
meet ajiit

the invitation

self-discovery in practice

The Truth is behind the reality.

Ajiit spiritual master

mauna retreat

The Mauna Retreat is a chance to resign from our habitual life and focus on self-discovery. Participating in a retreat is the first step of the spiritual journey.

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jIAIDO Retreat

The holistic art of JIAIDO offers a new way of living. The retreat led by Ajiit combines theory and practice to support development on all levels of your being.

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Holistic weekends

The holistic weekends at Mauna House are designed for you to experience a holistic and conscious lifestyle by sharing a weekend with like-hearted people.

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Surrender Retreat in India

A direct guidance to the state of surrender and liberation in the one week intensive retreat. Are you ready to become free?

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arunachala retreat in india

“Who am I?” The Arunachala Retreat with Ajiit’s guidance is a chance to go beyond the personal stories and ask the main question of self-inquiry. 

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a new chapter retreat for couples

Are you ready to start a new chapter with your partner? Rediscover love, connection and growth during this transformative retreat.

Contact US

If You Are Interested In Our Programs, Please Click On The Particular Program to Know More or Don’t Hesitate To Contact

After registration we will contact you by phone or email and clarify any further questions.